Sew and Sew…
Lately my main focus is to sew accessories that people love to use in their every day lives. I have developed some of my own patterns, as well as sourcing patterns from many different sites on the web. I can tell you that once you start looking at patterns, the web just gets bigger and bigger! There are so many talented designers out there, willing to share their amazing patterns. From scrunchies to totes, dolls clothes and even fabric earrings, I am keen to learn and experiment with different patterns and techniques to broaden my sewing horizons!
I have been at the machine every night as soon as the kids are in bed. Netflix is getting binged as I cut, iron, pin and sew! Today, I cut out 14 projects from my stash of indigenous fabrics, to celebrate NAIDOC week. Keep your eyes peeled, as they will soon be available in my shop.

My daughter has been excited to make and create alongside me this week, starting school holidays means we need to keep the kids occupied!

She quickly learnt how to make fabric earrings after only showing her a couple of examples. She eagerly picked out her favourite fabrics and started cutting out circles. She then pressed the circles into the earring moulds. She was super proud to be able to help me, but also work independently. Mummy helped glue the earring posts on. And voila! I can now present to you…..

Do you see any you like? Available soon in my shop. Alice keeps asking when are we going to sell them at the markets?! That is definitely on the cards for the near future. Our region boasts some amazing markets and I am keen to showcase my products in person to the local community.