Motivated Mumma – Change Brings Opportunity
Lampwork Studio
Lets back track to nearly 7 years ago….. I was happily lamp working, making individual glass beads and jewellery when I discovered I was pregnant! When I saw the doctor, I asked about continuing my glass hobby. I was told that due to the nature of some glasses containing silver, the gas that is created when heating the glass “may not be safe” to be around whilst pregnant. That is my signed t-shirt from Regurgitator when I met them at college!

Back At The Machine
So I packed up my things, got on with nesting and turned my hand to sewing again. I made owls. Lots of owls. I also made my first patchwork quilt (#lessonlearned), crocheted a blanket for bub, made buntings, knitted and grew larger. I went to some markets, took my creations, including my glass jewellery, sold some things, until I could no longer erect my market stall on my own.

Starting a family…
Then our little princess was born. Alice. Our whole world changed in a heartbeat. I was suddenly this little girls Mummy. I no longer did things for myself, but for my little family, which gave me a huge sense of pride.

I continued with sewing, put my lamp working equipment into storage (One day I will get back to it) and played with my girl. Between working as a nurse and looking after my little “Possum”, I was starting to lose track of time (never enough minutes in the day!) and the sewing got put on the back burner….. apart from a few little cute outfits that I made for Alice!
Fast forward to 2020…..
Our Boy Vinnie graced our lives at the VERY end of 2019 and our family was now complete. I really picked the right year to stay at home with a baby!!
Corona Virus Pandemic
2020 was such a tricky year to navigate, as Vinnie grew rapidly, Alice started school and we couldn’t see our families as much as we would have liked. I learnt how to home school……(Mrs Mummy needs a beer!), and we basically spent a LOT of quality time together. So COVID 19 restrictions did have some positives! But believe me as soon as I could see my family, I was there!

I returned to work late last year, but before I did that I made a MOUNTAIN of face masks. As a nurse, I think its really important to keep ourselves protected. These masks are made with 3 layers, quality cotton and include a pocket for a disposable filter and a wire nose strip. Check them out! I have some available for sale in my shop.